Four professional with different skills coming from sector of overwrapping and case packing industrial machinery for dairy industry, have decided since march 2008 to join forces to create Automation Robotic Packaging, called ARP. Since the beginning, their collective will to launch business has been based on a strong principle: the control of all the steps of a project, from the research and development to the launching on site.
Since its creation, ARP developed a local machining network in order to manufacturing pieces that would be needed. This proximity allows to follow day by day quality of enquired products and to obtain a great reactivity in the process. Boilermakers, milling operator companies, lathe-operator companies, general mechanics… very often known as “subcontractor”, are for ARP true partners so they are integrated in the solutions development.
This will of global control leads to recruitment of employees in every skilled trade in order to managing all steps of production. In this way, mechanical, electrical and robotics research and development department, mechanical assembly, wiring, adjustment, installation and training (approved training center) have been quickly created and developed… Furthermore, in order to optimizing its solutions and reaching to optimal adequacy between consumables (cardboard blanks) and machines that use it, ARP develops also packaging solutions. These one, thanks to design and execution of models, allows to better meet the customer expectations. Subjected to a strong growth, in a few months, the company must install its activities, in a new location. A relocation achieved in 2012 in Le Poinçonnet (Indre) allows to satisfy the space requirements (2000 m²) and to stay close to the local network of professionals, created since 2008. Covering all divisions, ARP employs today about 40 people.
Since the beginning, by developing original compact or bundled solutions, ARP met the specific requirements of its customers. If innovation is the driving force of the team, the control of installed machines and tools always comes with standard protocols and known resources support. Innovating and not being isolated. Create by remaining close to the market. Inventing and always controlling. In several years, many ARP’s solutions have been installed on agri-food SME and international groups. Involved in many European countries, the company has already offered solutions in Canada and on United States. Following this line, the company shows its know-how in different trade fairs as the Rennes CFIA show, the Packaging Exhibition at Paris or the Pack Expo on Chicago.
Packaging (wrap, clip…) and case packing (tray, insert, closed box…) ARP’s solutions on a complete range of traditional or new products (pre or thermo formed cups, bottles, sterilised products, flexible products) are based on clear and contractual involvements that prove efficiency of ARP in terms of reliability, output and longevity.
«You can have no dominion greater or less than that over yourself»
Leonardo Da Vinci